Page 26 - Delaware Lawyer - Fall 2020
P. 26

   Sean O’Sullivan
Rethinking the Courtroom
How the courts responded to and transformed after COVID-19
It is not hyperbole to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has marked the single most transformative event in the history of the Delaware court system. In a few short months, the Delaware courts have completely reconsidered, redesigned and rearranged the way we do business — from the way our court staff go about their jobs to simple court appearances and hearings to the jury selection process—to ensure the health and safety of all involved while preserving the fair, just and efficient resolution of disputes under the rules of law and equity.
The Delaware courts have embraced the use of audio and video tele- conferencing technology like never before. While Chief Justice Collins J. Seitz Jr. made the difficult, but neces- sary decision to close all court facilities to the public from March 23 to June 15, 2020 to stop the spread of COVID- 19, the courts never stopped working. Court employees continued to do their
jobs, in many cases remotely, to ensure essential and necessary court operations. Judicial officers continued to make rul- ings, hand down decisions, and hold remote proceedings. The Court of Chancery in particular hardly missed a beat, remaining on top of its docket, with the exception of trials, through video technology to ensure that the Del- aware courts remained the preeminent

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