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March/April 201 2
The Port of Baltimore
Manufactured in Japan, the trucks
mostly report for duty in the United States
through the Port of Baltimore, which is
the company’s No. 1 point of entry into
North America. (Trucks also arrive through
the ports of Jacksonville, San Diego and
Tacoma, Wash.)
Rumsey said Baltimore handles about
2,500 Fuso vehicles annually. The trucks are
distributed to a network of 215 dealers.
Initially, Mitsubishi Fuso Truck of
America, Inc., which was founded in 1985,
chose Baltimore for its location near the
company’s Logan, N.J., headquarters.
But the company quickly appreciated the
quality and convenience of the Port.
“We service everything out of Baltimore
— to New England and Canada, the upper
Midwest, all the way to the Mississippi
River,” Rumsey said. “It’s a great central
location, and the Port of Baltimore has
always been very easy to work with. The
incidence of damage is very low. The guys
who drive the trucks off do a great job.”
Lawrence Johnson of Maryland Port
Administration (MPA) Trade Development,
noted, “Mitsubishi Fuso Trucks has been a
dedicated supporter of the Port of Baltimore
for more than 25 years. This longevity
translates to many years of excellent service
the Port and its providers have given to
Fuso. All the services they require at the
Port are first rate, from the ocean shipping
lines, stevedore, processing and haul-away
trucking to their dealers.”
AMPORTS, Inc. provides vehicle-
processing services. "We've had a very
long-term relationship with Fuso," said
Steven Rand, AMPORTS President and CEO.
"They've been a great partner."
Rand sees Fuso's sales as a barometer
of the improving economy. "You can tell
people are spending money and putting
those trucks into service."
Rumsey likes the efficiency of having a
Foreign Trade Zone at the Dundalk Marine
Terminal. And Fuso utilizes all three of the
Japanese carriers: “K” Line, MOL and NYK.
Rumsey cites the safety measures in
place as an important part of the Port of
Baltimore’s success. “The quality of their
work is just unsurpassed,” he said. “It’s
been a long-standing relationship with the
Port and AMPORTS, and it’s been a real
positive relationship.”
Contact Us:
US Customs Bonded Container Yard
Located in the Port Newark Area
“Your Transportation Partner”
Steamship Lines Welcome
Firms Code #F449
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